Orange Pekoe Special Assam

4 oz. can$15

  • Black
  • Single Estate

The complex malty flavors and clean finish of this terrific tea are sheer perfection, resulting in a totally satisfying experience. Orange Pekoe Special will keep your train on the tracks all day long. Its burnt sienna color is tinged with copper. This tea is delicious with honey and milk.

Tasting Notes

  • Malty
  • Nutty
  • Fragrant Musk



Canister makes ~28 cups

Smooth, biscuity, robustly malty, and nutty with a herbaceous aroma

Quick Brew Tea

  • 190º - 200ºF

  • 1 tsp/8 fl.oz.

  • 4 - 6 minutes


First discovered growing wild in the jungles of the region in the mid 1800’s, Assam is India’s most popular variety. The state of Assam has become the world's largest tea-growing region, lying on either side of the Brahmaputra River, bordering Bangladesh and Myanmar. The daytime temperature rises to about 96.8F creating greenhouse-like conditions of extreme humidity and heat. This tropical climate contributes to Assam's uniquely malty taste, a feature for which this tea is well sought after. Seasonal monsoons flood and replenish the rich bottomland plantations annually, reviving the tea plants for the following season.

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